How I Met My Mother

A sketch and improv show

Love, loss, Noel Edmonds. All of this and so much more will be explored, and questioned, in Southampton Comedy Society’s brand-spanking new sketch and improv show ‘How I Met My Mother’.

7:30 PM, 10-11th of November, The Annex Theatre.

Our protagonist has only one goal in life: to find their long lost mother, a famous sketch comedian from the ’70s. In order to do this they embark on a journey through time and sketch, hoping to find that perfect punchline that will bring their mother back. Will they find it? Will they finally meet their mother? Will Ainsley Harriot play a part in all of this? I can answer that last question with a yes.

Come one, come all, and experience this sketch and improv extravaganza! The emotional rollercoaster that is sure to leave you with a tear in your eye and sides that are positively split.

Production Team
